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» I can't resist the urge to show you all this...
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» We need to get our Sh*t together guys.
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God of War
God of War

Posts : 161
Honor : 7
Join date : 2010-10-04
Age : 33

Welcome back! Empty
PostSubject: Welcome back!   Welcome back! EmptyWed Oct 20, 2010 8:52 pm

I'm glad to see all of u guys again XD I feel sorry for roxas and others leaving, but it doesn't matter as long as we are here to keep it alive! As you all know it was pretty crappy after the site crashed and we had to depend on the old site's chat box to keep things alive, which is why I decided to create this new forum and not have each of us go our own ways! One thing I want to know though, what do you guys think of this site? If you don't think it's good enough I'm sure we could find a better suited site and work our way up from there! If there are no complaints then I guess this site will do. Meanwhile if anyone has got ideas about changing up the site, tell Draizen or me so we can try and see what we can do. For all of those wondering why I chose Draizen, he and I were part of the original Nightblade Clan roxas formed ages ago so I decided it would only be natural to have the two oldest members of the clan take charge for now.

Roar if we get more members I'll promote you to moderator, but for now there is no real need to have 3 moderators since there isn't really anything to moderate. Don't think I don't trust you or don't respect you for not promoting u, it's simply because you were the last to join and the positions were already filled.

I want to thank you all for deciding to keep the Nightblades alive, particularly to the newest members since you guys weren't with us from the beginning but still decided to stick with us now. You guys could have given up and go your own ways, but you decided to keep NB alive. I am proud to have friends such as you guys, and I say that in all honesty.

I can't tell you how happy I am to bring this clan back up and talking to u guys again XD Let's hope none of us have changed and are still as wacky and crazy as ever XD Let's bring in the funny pictures, funny videos, videogame reviews, clan rankings, board wars, and all the rest!!

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